An American journalist working for an Australian music magazine talking about music.
Disclaimer: Files linked on this site are for sampling purposes only, if you like the music support the artist and buy the album, a T-shirt, coffee mug, something. If you are the owner of any file posted or linked to on this site and would like it removed, just say the word and it will be done promptly. If you are at any point offended while consuming this website, please complain to anyone other than me.
The Boxer Rebellion is a band (wait what?! I know what you were thinking, surely the Boxer Rebellion, or more accurately the Boxer Uprising was the violent anti-foreign, anti-Christian movement by the "Righteous Fists of Harmony,” Yihe tuan or Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists in China, in response to imperialist expansion, growth of cosmopolitan influences, and missionary evangelism and against the backdrop of state fiscal crisis and natural disasters, local organizations began to emerge in Shandong in 1898), well no my friends, The Boxer Rebellion is a band out of London but their singer is from the U.S. somewhere. Anyway long story short, they gained some attention and they were going to support the Killers on tour a few years back but the lead singer ended up having some sort of medical anomaly worthy of the show House occur to him and it seemed as though the band would never get to fully realize their cocaine indulging, groupie whore-mongering dreams, however all was not lost. the singer got better, and recently they released their "second" full length album which recently debuted on the Billboard 100 at #84, not a big deal until you hear the kicker...they're a 100% unsigned band. their music isn't all that original but it grows on you and the simple fact that they've managed to develop a loyal following that actually is willing to buy their releases solely through the marketing power of social networking sites is quite the feat. Anyway, I have to admit I haven't listened to the disc all the way through but it seems pretty good...if you like Interpol or one of those other post-punk revival bands like I do I suggest you check out The Boxer Rebellion's new release, exclusively on iTunes entitled "Union".
So Blogger keeps removing my posts, it seems like every time I focus on a particular artist (recent cases in point: Ladyhawke, Shiny Toy Guns), they get their panties all in a bunch and forcibly remove the post. I guess I'm going to have to try and shy away from focusing on specific artists (at least when I post accompanying mp3s). Anyway, sorry for the lack of updates, I've been really busy writing, painting, drawing, preparing for my move overseas, etc, etc that I tend to forget all about this little piece of the internet and subsequently put it on the back burner. Anyway, Valentine's Day is coming up and seeing as how I am single, I could really care less, although I suppose if I was in a relationship I wouldn't really care either, I would just have to make sure that I was conscious of the "holiday" (I use that term loosely), and chalk up a boatload of cash to make my lady happy. Not my idea of the greatest time, so maybe I'm better off. Anyway, as per tradition, here it is the Valentines/Single's Awareness Day mixtape '09, I like to think that there is a little bit of something for everyone in this collection of songs, whether you're hopelessly in love, completely jaded, or crushingly depressed, you should be able to find something you like. Enjoy.
P.S. Thanks to SubPop Records for hosting a bunch of these mp3s, you made me life a lot easier.