What can I possibly say that you don't already know? Spoon was, in a word, incredible. The show lasted a little over two hours and every minute of it was jammed packed with Spoony goodness. Koz and I actually had a brush with Britt in the mens bathroom, as we all felt the need to urinate at approximately the same time. Apparently it was the first time they had ever played in New Haven, and I can assure you that they left a pretty good impression on us humble Nutmeggers(?). All of their songs transferred nicely into the live set, and the sheer energy that Daniel and the boys exhibited was impressive. From the get go they had the audience tapping their feet and bouncing around in a pop-fueled bliss that rivaled whatever drug it was that kid with the goggles on had taken earlier that evening. They played a few new songs which are slated to appear on their upcoming album,
Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga (out July 10th), but mainly stuck to crowd pleasing favorites off of
Gimme Fiction ("The Two Sides of Monsieur Valentine", "They Never Got You" "Beast and Dragon, Adored", to name a few)as well as some of their older material (including "The Way We Get By", and the set closing "Fitted Shirt"). I would highly recommend seeing Spoon if ever presented with the chance to do so, it was a phenomenal show. The only downside to the evening was the fact that cans, thats right cans, of beer were going for four bucks. Needless to say, I didn't splurge on the bottles, god knows how much those were going for. And on a completely unrelated note, we saw one of those R2D2 mailboxes near the Yale bookstore as we were walking to the show, completely unnecessary, but we still took pictures with it. Frankly, I was surprised some Star Wars fanatic hadn't tried to steal it. Anyway, sorry about the qaulity of the pictures from the show, I had my brothers digi with me and unfortunately it just didn't cut it. Oh well. Here are some Spoon mp3s (even though most of you probably have them already, if not, enjoy).
Spoon - The Way We Get BySpoon - Jonathan FiskSpoon - Lines In The SuitSpoon - Sister JackSpoon - Believing is ArtSpoon - Back to the LifeSpoon - Paper TigerSpoon - They Never Got You
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