An American journalist working for an Australian music magazine talking about music.
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Monday, June 02, 2008
Stone Temple Pilots @ Mohegan Sun 5/26/07
So I finally got to see Stone Temple Pilots after eight years of wading through the terribly overrated mess that was Velvet Revolver. Stone Temple Pilots was one of the bands that I grew up with, ever since I first heard the entire album Purple when I was the tender age of eleven. Even as my musical tastes varied over the years, Stone Temple Pilots were always a fond part of my rotation, so it was great to see them come back together and perform. The energy and stage presence of the band was incredible, it was as if they hadn't spent a day apart (Scott Weiland, although an incredible performer, didn't look so great, however it did not affect his awesome performance). We had really good seats, however the last time I saw a show at Mohegan (Bob Dylan), they didn't allow the use of cameras, and although that policy didn't change for STP, it seemed as though there were a hell of a lot of people taking pictures, which I'm pissed about because I didn't bring mine. Anyway, it was a great show consisting of all of the classic tunes from their previous five albums, and let me just say that I am pretty pumped for their next release (you know it's coming). Anyway, after the show my buddies and I decided to wander around the casino for a bit to spend even more money, at which point we heard "Scott Weiland, your party is waiting for you at the lost and found desk...Scott Weiland..." over the loudspeaker, which was a pretty humorous cap to a truly fantastic show. I was able to find some video clips of the show (WARNING: not all are of the greatest quality), so check them out if you don't have the opportunity to see STP during their reunion tour.
Interstate Love Song:
Dead and Bloated (crappy quality, takes about a minute to get into it):
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