Monday, August 04, 2008

New Bloc Party

So the song is called "Mercury", and apparently Bloc Party released it on the Zane Lowe radio show a few days ago. After listening to it once or twice, I have found myself asking what in the world has happened to Bloc Party? This is definitely not the Bloc Party of the Silent Alarm days or even the Bloc Party of A Weekend in the City, rather this is a rather jarring listening experience, and because it is Bloc Party I'm not sure how I should react to it. I really don't want to voice any sort of opinion at all, mainly because I'm somewhat flabbergasted. Bloc Party has been a consistently interesting and progressive band, constantly changing and evolving their sound, maybe this is an indication of where the new reocrd is going, maybe it's just a product of creative imagination. One thing is for sure, don't listen to anyone else's opinion, listen to the song and decide for yourself.

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